Sunday, 26 February 2012

A full week

Week 12 of training complete. This week started off with a early morning alarm call on Tuesday and out for a 1 hour run. Then at lunchtime off to the pool for a swim. My swimming has been neglected lately so started off with a light 1km.

On Wednesday, I did a 'brick' session: 45 minutes on the bike keeping HR at a certain level, and then out for a short 15 minute run.

On Thursday I was supposed to to a 1hr spin session - but had to miss it.

Friday consisted of another 1km session in the pool, and then a 1hr run in the afternoon.

Saturday was out on the bike for 2.5hrs. Route consisted of: Dromore-Moira-Lurgan-Portadown-Tandragee-Scarva-Banbridge-Dromore. About 40 miles in total.

And finally Sunday, finishing off with a nice slow paced 1hr run.


Friday, 3 February 2012

Week 9 complete...nearly!

Went for a 2 hour cycle today in the Dromara hills. It was literally freezing and at some stages was riding through clumps of ice. I was well wrapped up though, and the dreaded Dree Hill did make me work up a sweat!

1h15 run  in the morning and that is week 9 completed.

I really need to get my swimming sorted as I haven't really been paying as much attention to it as I should.

Achilles both behaving themselves if stretched and looked after, and no other injuries or niggles to report ... long may it continue!