Saturday, 24 March 2012

Cream crackered!

Sitting here on the sofa and feel exhausted! I took a week off training last week and am wondering was it a mistake or not. The old body maybe just started to think 'I could get used to doing nothing!'.

Anyway, back into the swing of things this week. Long bike yesterday of 60 miles: Dromore-Banbridge-Scarva-Markethill (via the hills)-Armagh-Portadown-Tandragee-Gildford-Lurgan-Waringstown-Dromore. It was a lovely day, although the wind was a problem on a few occasions. I really don't like headwinds!!

Today, I headed out for a 90minute run. Boy, it was warm - was around 18C!! Tomorrow I've got a 'race' for Sport Relief as part of First Nation Home. It's in Belfast and is 6 miles. My time will count towards Team Ireland's total in competiton against Enland, Scotland and Wales. Right now - my legs are saying a big fat NO! Hopefully there'll be some fuel in the tank after a sleep.

Didn't get my 2 swims in this week - only the one. My swimming really has to pick up. I've still time but need to be getting my 2 swims in every week. The lake will soon be ready for swims, so looking forward to getting there and getting some longer swims in.

Apart from that, everything else is going fine. The Achilles tendons are both doing really well and no other injuries at the moment. Hay fever seems to have kicked in to day though, which is never a good thing.

I'll update the blog after the Sport Relief thing tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you made it through the Sport Relief in one piece!! Happy training to the rest of your week.
